LEMA Network

Our network experts build computer networks that are
efficient, durable, secure, tested and scalable

Network Solutions

Our network design and implementation include vast array of services such as on-site surveys, material cost and quantity estimation, professional network physical and logical structure design using latest design software, fast and secure implementation undertaken by network professionals, final testing and troubleshooting and handover of the project. Above services include both wired and wireless technologies.

With our mentioned services, organizations can fully utilize the advantages of having a reliable, fully functional, secure, durable, scalable and easily maintained network by providing a complete network documentation that comprise of but not limited to network maps, structure equipment details, installed port details along with well organized switching/server room and such more details required for individual deliverable. We provide following broadly categorized network services:

  • Logical and physical data network design
  • Configure and deploy servers, firewalls
  • Backbone cabling (Fiber-optic)


SmartClerk office management application

Java TechnologiesMicrosoft .Net
OracleMicrosoft SQL server
Apache CouchDBMongodb
Google AndroidApple iOS
Hibernate ORMSpring Source
Geo ServerOpenLayers

SmartClerk office management application
